Friday, November 14, 2008


Sometimes you are made aware of something that everyone must see. Everyone must see this. Apparently it is no a doctored photo. it is not photoshopped, not fake, not a hoax. The photo originates from which, as you know, is an official site that I'm sure is heavily monitored for crap. Let's hope this picture stays up a while.

Before you ask, the answer is Yes. You are seeing exactly what you think you're seeing.



Sarah Berry said...

Are they attempting to flash "W" for Bush but actually just flashing the West Coast gang sign???

innspecter said...

Actually, it's "the shocker" I think...

Sarah Berry said...

AHHHH!!! That is WAY worse than my guess!

die Frau said...

Oh my God, it is "the shocker". Ewwwwww.... I'd almost prefer gang symbols.