Thursday, November 6, 2008

What about me?

There is a lot of speculation out there about the connection of peoples' MP3 playlists and their personalities. This concept was most recently examined in the comedy that I haven't seen yet called Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. (It looks pretty good, I just haven't gotten around to see it...I'll probably end up renting it.)

Because I have nothing better to write about, and because I like giving people new material to bore themselves with, I'm putting in a list of every tenth movie on my Netflix queue. Why every tenth movie? Because I have 244 movies on the list, and there's no way anyone's going to go through them all, but 24 movies is pretty manageable. Here we go.

1. Sukiyaki Western Django
11. Night of the Comet
21. The Bird People in China
31. Scenes from a Marriage
41. Au Revoir les Enfants
51. Hopscotch
61. Kiss Kiss, Bang bang
71. The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi
81. The Tiger and the Snow
91. Dark Star
101. Versus: Director's Cut
111. Four of the Apocalypse
121. The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh
131. The Lair of the White Worm
141. Jungle Holocaust
151. Harold and Maude
161. Charlie Wilson's War
171. Zardoz
181. Severance
191. Flesh Gordon (that's not a spelling mistake)
201. The Decamaron
211. Evolution
221. A Simple Plan
231. Re-Cycle
241. Macumba Sexual

There you go: A bunch of shit you've never heard of...for the most part. Putting up a list like this is also a good way of completely avoiding the dreaded question: What is your favorite movie? I hate that question. There's no possible way to answer it.


Ithaca_chick said...

You're right, I haven't heard of most of those, but I did really like Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.

Sarah Berry said...

Interesting list, even though I've only heard of 3 or 4 of them. If you can't pick a favorite movie I think you should do a series of lists... Like, favorite comedies, favorite B movies, favorite main stream movies, etc. Just a thought!

DinoDiva said...

I would just like to point out that movie #161 (Charlie Wilson's War) is a movie that I requested we rent. Its 161..I am never going to see it! :(