Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chocolate therapy

A few posts ago I said that ninjas will always be cool.  Pretty much all martial arts stuff is awesome and tons of fun to watch though.  A few years ago Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior came out and it was the first movie of its kind that I had ever seen.  The athletic ability and the gymnastics of the fighting scenes are crazy cool.  There are no stunt the acting suffers for it...and there aren't any computers used either.  Or wires.  In Ong Bak the stunts are shown several times in succession from different camera angles to help drive home the message that the stunts are actually being performed.  (Oh, and the Rza did the soundtrack for the American release.)

I don't know if you can effectively fight like that, but when it's all choreographed it looks amazing and brutal.  Another film is coming, on Valentine's Day no less, by the same folks who made Ong Bak, called, Chocolate.  The story concerns a young girl who is mentally challenged but who has a capacity for martial arts.  She kicks lots of ass and again all the stunts are real and performed without help by fantastically gifted athletes.  Here's the trailer.

Chocolate - Theatrical Trailer

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