Monday, February 23, 2009

Creative bargaining

Over at there is an interesting story about a 13-year old video gamer who has struck up a unique deal with his dad.

Parent of gamer asks his son to honor the Geneva Conventions

Hugh Spencer's son, Evan loves video games, as most 13-year old boys do. Recently he wanted to start playing Call of Duty 5. Call of Duty is a violent game, but it in its defense, it is all WWII-style violence. According to Mr. Spencer, Evan is a smart kid who knows the differnt betwen reality and fantasy. He also understands what video games are and why he enjoys playing them. He is not a problem child, nor does he give his father any reason not to trust him in any way.

Hugh Spencer knows from his museum career that Call of Duty goes to great pains to provide accurate historical information, styling, story-line, etc. From that standpoint he has no problem allowing his son to play the game, and learn a little about WWII history at the same time. Mr. Spencer added a little lesson to the game-play by having his son research the Geneva Convetions and play Call of Duty within those set boundaries.

I think that's a fantastic idea. I just hope the game's plot allows him to be so fair to the Japanese armed forces.


die Frau said...

I think that's terrific. Talk about learning in action!

DinoDiva said...

Yay for a smart museum person!