Monday, February 2, 2009

An interesting way to start the week

As with many of the ideas I get as to what goes into this blog, today's comes from Guest blogger, Charles Platt recently performed a personal experiment and took an entry level job at his local Wal-Mart. Mr. Platt wanted to see if all the horror stories he'd read about on the web in regards to horrendous employee treatment had the ring of truth to them. He found out that things at Wal-Mart aren't all that bad. Link up to his entry and read about Wal-Mart. It'll make you forget how guilty you feel after you shop there...which I know you do.

Life At Wal-Mart

Equally interesting is the tidbit he finishes his post with, referring us all to read Adam Shepard's account of trying to earn money after starting with nothing but $25 and a good work ethic. Eye-opening to say the least. I know that the realities of life aren't always so positive, but it's nice to know that there are some people out there who don't have a terrible opinion about our country and the opportunities herein. It's a good feeling to see taht there are some folks who are championing the American Dream and it's potential for fulfillment.

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