Thursday, March 26, 2009

Subtitle change

I told you I'd let you know when Magnolia commented on their subtitle changes for Let the Right One In. They have commented.

“We've been made aware that there are several fans that don't like the version of the subtitles on the DVD/BR. We had an alternate translation that we went with. Obviously a lot of fans thought we should have stuck with the original theatrical version. We are listening to the fans feedback, and going forward we will be manufacturing the discs with the subtitles from the theatrical version.”

Fantastic, unless you already bought it. But, sometimes waiting for a little bit works out in your favor.

1 comment:

die Frau said...

So I just read that they're remaking It for the big screen. I'd love to know what you make of that, considering the absolute crap mini-series version of 1990. I don't care if Tim Burton did make a decent Pennywise; it was NOTHING compared to the novel.