Monday, March 23, 2009

When cool things happen to people who feel sometimes like they exist in a universe of their own belonging

Don't be thrown by my attempt at humor in the title of this post. I am not "going Emo" or anything like that. I'll keep my body tattoo-free and black-hair-dye-free. It's just that when you like things that other people can't stomach, sometimes that part of you who enjoys horror movies feels just a little lonely...

And then you submit the contents of your blog to a horror website that you visit daily because said site is looking for new writers and they write you back and tell you that they like your stuff and that your piece on Last House on the Left was "great"! Even if I never hear from them again, I'm in an elated state from that compliment.

So I guess this means I need to actually watch the last hour of Frontier(s) and get that review up, and then try to find time between my two jobs to watch more horror...the girlfriend is going to be ecstatic. Oh, this means more horror video games too. And more horror books. I think maybe my next read (after The Stand which is currently on the nightstand) will be Deathtroopers! Or maybe something sooner, since that one comes out in October...

If you are interested in where I'm applying to write, go to

1 comment:

Sarah Berry said...

I'm SO happy for you!! I TOLD you your horror writing was so good that it would lead to great things!! YEAH!!